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First cat cafe to open in Melbourne

Tom Minear Herald Sun May 16, 2014 10:42A

Anita and Myles Loughran are about to set up Australia’s first cat cafe in Melbourne.

THE cat’s out of the bag and it’s fur real: Australia’s first cat cafe is set to open in Melbourne’s CBD in July.

Anita and Myles Loughran have secured the purrfect premise for their pussy cat paradise on Queen St, around the corner from Queen Victoria Market.

Welcome to the cat economy   Date March 22, 2014

Internet sensation Maru likes to play with boxes.

Making catvideosmayhavepreviouslyappearedto be a fantastic waste of time but this hobby is now a legitimate source of income. Some cat owners are making tens of thousands of dollars a year from their prized felines who, via YouTube, entertain millions of cat lovers around the world.


Mission Statement

Cats Anonymous, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose sole purpose is to better the lives and reduce the number of semi-feral and feral cats in Northeastern Wisconsin. To accomplish this goal, we promote, educate and advocate the non-lethal reduction of the feral cat population utilizing the Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) method in a safe and humane manner.

Cat back on its feet

    Fresh Focus in Fidofresh focus on fido

CatRescue is a network of normal every day people . . like you, from all walks of life, who give up space in their homes to rescue and rehabilitate abandoned and neglected animals. We have around 120 carers in the network and a dedicated group of volunteers who work tirelessly to coordinate the rescues and rehoming.We are very thankful to the many key volunteers and supporters who over the many years have been part of this program and now make up the core group of CatRescue. This includes the admin volunteers, transporters, vets, rescuers, cleaner/feeders, councillers and the many people who get behind our campaigns to help strengthen our voice.Our mailing list has climbed to over 20000 active subscribers and the CatRescue website experiences around 7000 hits per day, making it one of the largest and most well read animal rescue sites in Australia . . and you are part of it.

There is nothing that cant be done without hard work and dedication.

We rescue neglected and abandoned animals and rehome them through a network of carers around Sydney. We believe in engaging with the entire community, not just animal welfare, we do this by running innovative and interactive marketing and awareness programs throughout Sydney. We are 100% focused on this goal and our ultimate goal is to see a world where companion animals are not victims of human greed and thoughtlessness.

We also involve the community in actions to ensure our government acts with accountability and transparency when dealing with animal welfare issues. This is especially true for the Animals (Regulation of Sale) Bill and mandatory desexing.

The cognitive abilities of non-human animals

Science and the domestic cat their right), once considered the province only of humans. Cats are more recently domesticated than dogs (and a recent article on their domestication suggested that they, unlike dogs, probably had little … As a researcher of dog behavior and cognition, I tend to be asked two kinds of questions from …

Blog Entry by Alexandra Horowitz, Ph.D. – Published on Jul 28, 2009

Minutes of a Special Committee of Council to hear submissions in relation to Proposed Local Law 10 – Responsible Cat Ownership

Held on Monday 31 August 2009 at 6.35pm
Council Chamber, Civic Centre Brighton

or 31_August_2009_Special_Committee_of_Council_Proposed_Local_Law_10